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Public Pulse Letters from readers


Therapy dog brings happiness to many

Dear editor,
Angel is a sweet little fellow who brings happiness to all peo-ple he encounters.

Angel was purchased by Angeline Industries Inc. and is cared for, trained and is a registered emotional support animal for Robert “Bob” Witt, CEO of Angeline. While Angel lives in Tiffin with Bob and his wife Lucy, he comes to work every day at Angeline Industries Inc., 210 N. Sandusky Ave. in Upper Sandusky, or to Angeline’s hub located at 252 W. Market St., in Tiffin.
Angel is a special dog, not only cute and playful, but also possessing a special ability to “size up” an individual on first glance. One your first occasion to meet Angel, you may be a bit surprised at how immediately friendly he is. The second time, when Angel reacts toward you like you’re his long lost best friend, you will suddenly find yourself in love with the little guy.

Angel can sense that a person may be in some degree of dis-tress and simultaneously bring relief and even a degree of hap-piness into an individual’s life. This is a skill that comes natu-rally to Angel, who simply takes for granted that he can and will help a person in need. Angel wants to be your best friend, intending to succeed in his mission from the first moment that he meets you.

Recently, Angel visited a resident of Westbrook Assisted Living — Cletabelle (Eyestone) Barnes. Once again, Angel pos-itively shined in his therapy dog role. Upon arrival at Westbrook, Angel made a beeline to a group of residents sitting together on the front veranda. He made it a point to visit with each individual in the group. Later, in Cletabelle’s quarters, Angel engaged his special talent in bringing happiness, which can be seen in Cletabelle’s bright smile.

Angel is loved by the entire staff and people at Angeline Industries Inc. The moment that he arrives each day at Angeline Industries, he is in demand by many who wish to pet, speak to and care for him.

Upon our departure from Westbrook, the activities director made a special effort to invite Angel for a return visit.

Tom Eyestone


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