Wyandot Tracers meet Monday at John Stewart Posted on January 15, 2025 0 The January meeting of Wyandot Tracers Genealogy Society, O.G.S, is 6:30 p.m. Monday in the basement meeting room of the John Stewart Methodist Church. New officers will be taking over this month. As always, visitors and guests are more than welcome to attend. Members are encouraged to start digging around through their homes to find the perfect item to bring for the annual Show and Tell Night. They may bring anything related to your family history — photos, letters, documents, keepsakes, anything that they think other members will be interested in seeing and hearing about. Each member will have a maximum of five minutes time to share, so should plan accordingly. Remember that 2025 dues should be paid at this meeting. All who have paid their dues will receive the first newsletter of the year. Dues are $10 per member, and an additional $2 for an additional member at the same address. Officers and committee chairmen will have an executive board session at 6 p.m., before the regular meeting. For further information, join the group’s Facebook group, Wyandot Tracers Genealogy Society, O.G.S. or contact President Kathy Rickenbacher Kin at 567-674-3045.