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Wynford welcomes 8 new teachers

New in the elementary

BUCYRUS — The Wynford Local School District has eight new teachers this school year, including six in the elementary and two at the high school and junior high building. The new teachers include a mix of first-year professionals and those with previous experience.

Flower power

Flower power

Volunteers (front row, from left) Leah Woods, Linda DeBolt, Jonathan Frey; (back row) Deb Sturgeon, Bill Sturgeon, Irv Woods, Janice Woods and Jeff Trautwein updated the flowers and decorations in front of the Wyandot County Courthouse for autumn over the past week.

Autumn update

Autumn update

The courthouse beautification project, which began this past May, was updated for fall this past week. The summer petunias were replaced with mums during the fair with hope they would bloom in time for this weekend’s Autumn Cruise in Upper Sandusky.

Health care panel gives talk about advanced directives, end-of-life care

Panel of professionals

hly Lunch and Learn series at Fairhaven Community featured a showing of the PBS documentary “Being Mortal” on Thursday. The documentary first aired in 2015 highlights the struggles families and doctors deal with regarding end-of-life directives and care processes. Twenty-five people attended the session to view the film and afterward heard from a panel of local healthcare professionals.

Carey boys, girls win home invite

Here come the boys

CAREY — Carey’s boys and girls cross country teams each enjoyed a home victory in the Blue Devil Run on Thursday. The boys placed five in the top 10 to run away from second-place Elmwood, 22-55, while the girls had four finishers in the top nine to aide a 25-65 edge over North Baltimore.

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