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Royals court

Royals court

This year’s Wynford High School homecoming court includes seniors (front row, from left) Tara Zinser, Kenzie Kent, Hannah Crabtree, Madi Schiefer, Grace Piatt; (back row) Ethan Stuckey, Seth Hoffman, Tyler Glowaski, Brandon Shutler and Zach Hoffman.

A Taste of Carey

The Carey Link volunteers (from front) Marla Garcia, Jean Cossey and Steve Yeater serve up a variety of foods during A Taste of Carey at Moreno’s Casual Dining on Sunday. Nearly 100 percent of the ingredients in the multi-course meal came from within 5 miles of Carey.

Riverdale greenhouse project awarded $10K

The agriculture education department at Riverdale High School felt its pockets get a bit deeper Friday night after receiving a check in the amount of $10,000 from Monsanto. Riverdale was one of seven Ohio schools to be awarded the grant.

Historical society celebrates 50 years of fun in Sycamore community pool

Golden anniversary

SYCAMORE — In the same year the Sycamore pool was in jeopardy of remaining closed for the summer, the Mohawk Historical Society celebrated the 50th anniversary of the construction and opening of the pool. More than 40 individuals, with a few attendees traveling from as far as Columbus, and three dogs attended a slideshow event at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Sycamore on Thursday night to remember the early days of the pool’s existence.

Welcoming autumn

Welcoming autumn

The volunteer service group at Fairhaven Community celebrated the start of autumn Thursday with its annual HarvestFest. Above: Linda Sommerfield, of Marysville, helps her father, Fairhaven resident Wally Koehler, into the dining area for lunch.

Multiple crashes in county

Multiple crashes in county

The Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office has been busy responding to accidents over the past two days. A crash occurred at the intersection of CH 95 and CH 47 east of Wharton on Wednesday morning.

Growth galore!

Growth galore!

A team of volunteers from Wyandot County Public Health has grown and donated more than 600 pounds of fresh produce to at least a dozen different places since June to help low-income county residents get access to nutritious food.

Street open for now

Street open for now

A crew from Underground Utilities finished up the first part of work on North Seventh Street in front of the city building Tuesday and went back to the north end of the street, where the project started, to begin installing the storm sewer under the road.

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