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SOS visit

SOS visit

Special guests at Monday’s annual Wyandot County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner were (front row, from left) Ayana Getz, a junior at Upper Sandusky High School; Tiffany Penwell, a senior at Riverdale High School; Hayley McCoy and Madi Schiefer, both juniors at Wynford High School; Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted;

Biggest givers

Biggest givers

The three fifth-grade classes at Union Elementary School raised more than half of the $1,500 total in a competition among fifth through eighth grades to give to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, an organization devoted to fighting blood cancers.

Quarter century for hospice

Amvets No. 777 Women’s Auxiliary members (from left) Charlotte Cole, Nancy Bloomfield, Cindy Miller and Addie Ohl prepare spaghetti dinners at the 25th annual fundraiser to benefit Hospice of Wyandot County on Saturday night.

Japanese youth visit Riverdale

Enjoying a snack

MOUNT BLANCHARD — Two years ago, a trio of Riverdale teachers visited Japan through a program at the University of Findlay. During their tour, Kristie Thacker, Stephanie Higgins and Jon Hayfield visited Eisu Gakkan High School in Hiroshima, where they met students and discussed common educational concerns with the staff.

Celebrating 7 years

Happy Hookers

The Happy Hookers crochet club, a program of the Wyandot County Council on Aging, celebrated seven years as an organization Monday at Senior Connection. The group, led by retired home economics teacher Madonna Meeker, meets from 1:30-4 p.m. Mondays, when members share patterns and ideas.

Old mission, new roof

Old Mission, new roof

A crew from The Durable Slate Company, Columbus, finished replacing the 127-year-old roof at Old Mission Church in Upper Sandusky this week. The church was built in 1824 and renovated in 1889.


Wyandot County voters may have noticed an uncommon sight on Election Day when people campaigned for Wes Goodman, a candidate for the 87th Ohio House District seat, during Tuesday’s primary election.

Upper Sandusky farmer-turned-fighter pilot partners with past neighbor, offers aerial application service to aide local farmers

Flight path

MARION — The bright yellow aircraft in the center of the hangar was the center of attention at a recent open house at the Marion Municipal Airport. It also was a symbol of opportunity for two neighbors. For one, it meant continuing to chase a life-long passion; for the other, the growth of a steady business operation.

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