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Book release

Book release

Betty Needs (right), of Upper Sandusky, gets an autographed copy of the new book “A Brief History of Wyandot County” by local historian, museum curator and historical society director Ron Marvin Jr.

Canning with Farm Bureau

Canning with Farm Bureau

Emma Shumaker (right), 6, learns canning techniques with her grandma, Jane Shumaker, and aunt, Janah Shumaker (not pictured) during a Wyandot County Farm Bureau-sponsored program Wednesday evening at John Stewart United Methodist Church.

Hit and run

A worker from Fox’s Towing moves a van from North Sandusky Avenue in front of Upper Sandusky High School on Tuesday afternoon following a hit-and-run crash.

Man walks US in support of troops

Raising money for troops

Tom Connolly had wanted to walk across the Unites States ever since traveling from his native Connecticut to the West Coast in the early 1990s. After finishing his first independent film last year, the actor and comedian finally decided to try to make the 3,000-mile trek from near his home in Van Nuys, California to his native Windsor, Connecticut.


The Wyandot County Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign kickoff will take place at Friday’s Upper Sandusky High School football game against River Valley. Guardian Industries donated footballs to be raffled off at halftime of the game.


The former Wyandot Manor, a United Church Homes facility, is in the process of being demolished. The building at 800 Mission Drive was used as a skilled nursing facility with an approximate capacity of 75.

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