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The Wyandot County Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign kickoff will take place at Friday’s Upper Sandusky High School football game against River Valley. Guardian Industries donated footballs to be raffled off at halftime of the game.


The former Wyandot Manor, a United Church Homes facility, is in the process of being demolished. The building at 800 Mission Drive was used as a skilled nursing facility with an approximate capacity of 75.

ResponsibleOhio makes bus tour stop in Wyandot Co. in march across Ohio

Bus tour

Legalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal use has been a hot topic around the country for decades — with over half the states in the U.S. now allowing medical use and several states in recent years approving personal use. Ohio voters will get to decide if they want both in November when Issue 3, legislation that would allow residents to both smoke and grow marijuana with some restrictions, appears on the ballot.

ODOT: Construction to continue on US 23, 30 through late October


Construction on U.S. 23 and U.S. 30 north of Upper Sandusky is in the latter stages, although the entire project is not expected to be complete until late October. The $5.1 million repavement and resurfacing project also included work on 12 bridges in the stretch of U.S. 23 from south of Ohio 182 to just south of CH 47, said Rhonda Pees, public information officer for the Ohio Department of Transportation District 1.

Upper swimming pool to be open one more week

Up and in

Area residents have less than a week to visit the Upper Sandusky swimming pool, and by the time it reopens next spring, a renovation project to upgrade the men’s and women’s bath areas is expected to be complete. The project, which could begin as early as next month, will bring the bath areas up to Americans with Disabilities Act standards, zoning inspector Dave Westbrook said.

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