Superhero surprise Jack (left) and Reis Schalk prepare to high-five Batman, portrayed by Charles Slysz, on Monday morning at the Mohawk Community Library before checking out books. Read More
County veterans take to the skies for annual Flag City Honor Flight TOLEDO — The bus had no traffic to deal with early Thursday morning as Wyandot County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center marketing director Vicki Charlton drove to Sycamore, Bucyrus and Upper Sandusky to pick up five area veterans and their guardians for a special trip. Eddie Doss and his daughter Deb Kuhn, Bob Keller and his son Jay Keller, Flavel Heyman, Earl Kinley and his daughter Becky Howard and Wes Honsberger traveled to Findlay and meet with a much larger group for the Flag City Honor Flight. Read More
Upper Sandusky man takes top prize in annual ODOT ‘roadeo’ Wyandot County’s own Frank Zamora will head to Columbus after winning a district-wide contest that required maneuvering a truck and loader through obstacle courses in an event hosted by the Ohio Department of Transportation. Zamora has worked at the Wyandot County ODOT garage for many years. Read More