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Upper Sandusky HS drama department announces 2018 Rammie Awards winners

Rammie Awards

The Upper Sandusky High School drama department recently held its Rammie Awards program. Winners for the fall play, “Not Your Average Zombie Apocalypse,” were Kate Gagnon, student director; Katie Clark, best crew member; Joey Verdugo, best actor; Lucy Smith, best actress; Mitchell DeWitt, best supporting actor; Laura Stauffer, best supporting actress; Brett Bianchi, best male small role; Leah Crawford, best female small role; Clay Burger, best male comedic performance; Olivia Barth, best female comedic performance; and Christin Schwiebert, best foreign actor.

Ritz show opens Friday in Tiffin

TIFFIN — The Ritz Players’ “[title of show]” will take The National Theatre stage at The Ritz, 30 S. Washington St., Tiffin, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and May 19 and at 2 p.m. May 20. Directed by Charles Groth, of Bloomvile, cast members are Daniel Bradshaw, of Marion, as Jeff; Hannah Mathias, of Tiffin, as Heidi; Wes Vollmar, of Findlay, as Hunter; Amanda Zucker, of Marion, as Susan; and Jim Besch, of Marion, as Larry.

One week away

One week away

Jordan Treadway (left), who plays diva Cindy Lou, Miranda Inglis, who plays class clown Betty Jean, and Jessica Moon, who plays ditzy Suzy, backing up Kate Niederkohr, who plays do-gooder Missy, singing "Mr. Lee" to her favorite teacher at their 10-year class reunion.

Bacon, Arter leading the music in ‘The Marvelous Wonderettes’

Music for the show

From the very first time Jan Stoneburner saw Roger Bean’s jukebox musical “The Marvelous Wonderettes,” she knew she wanted to stage the show in Upper Sandusky. Stoneburner will produce the story of the enthusiastic four girls with big voices and bigger crinolines with the help of many community members at 7 p.m. May 10-12 and 2 p.m. May 13 at the Star Theatre.

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