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Farm Country

Upper FFA attends National Convention

American FFA degrees Nick Stuckey (from left), Eric Bils, Leah Frey, Levi Myers and Curtis Smith received the American FFA Degree at the National FFA Convention. The American Degree is the highest degree the FFA can bestow on its members.  Less than 1% of FFA members earn the American FFA Degree through their SAE records, leadership activities and community service. …

New initiatives to address farm stress

A new federal grant awarded to the Ohio Department of Agriculture will support and enhance several initiatives that address farm stress in Ohio. In partnership with Ohio State University Extension, training will be provided to mental health and other health care professionals in Ohio on the unique stressors and factors that influence agricultural producers, other individuals working in the agricultural …

Carey FFA officer retreat

Over the summer, the Carey FFA officer team went on a retreat to Mount Vernon to prepare for the coming school year, as well as take part in team-building activities, such as a high ropes course. This year, the Carey FFA officers plan to work toward “cultivating a legacy of success.”

H20hio program now available to Crawford County producers

BUCYRUS — The Ohio Department of Agriculture, in partnership with Crawford Soil and Water Conservation District have announced new funding to local producers through H2Ohio Program funds. Ag producers throughout Crawford County are eligible to receive incentive payments for nutrient management, cover crops, small grains establishment, commercial fertilizer placement technology, manure application, variable rate fertilizer application, and/or drainage water management.    …

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