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Farm Country

Exploring the challenges Ohio’s wildlife face today

COLUMBUS — As more encounters occur between humans and wildlife in Ohio, it is crucial that Ohioans know how to keep these challenges as positive as possible moving forward. Looking at the challenges aerial wildlife must overcome is the theme of the 32nd annual Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference hosted by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on April 12 at the Ohio Union on Ohio State University’s campus in Columbus.

Commissioners plow ahead on Guardian ditch project effort to alleviate farmland flooding

Wyandot County officials are hoping to get work completed on the Guardian-Smalley ditch petition project in 2016. The county commissioners took steps toward doing that Tuesday as they approved a resolution — per the request of county engineer Mike Kohl — allowing for boring under the CSX Railroad tracks behind Guardian Industries to relieve drainage issues...

FSA: Proper management of CRP grass

In the past, aesthetic mowing of Conservation Reserve Program grass cover was a widely accepted practice by many participants. Today, with more research and understanding, it has been shown that properly managed grass cover will reduce soil erosion and improve water quality, and is more beneficial to wildlife than annually mowed grass covers.

Riverdale FFA wins awards

MOUNT BLANCHARD — The Riverdale FFA recently had several accomplishments at the regional FFA award evaluations. Evaluations include a quality check of record books and applications for American degrees, state degrees and proficiencies.

HS seniors may apply for SWCD scholarship

The Wyandot Soil and Water Conservation District is offering a scholarship to Wyandot County youth who have been accepted or currently are enrolled in an accredited college for fall 2016 and hold a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Eligible students must be planning on or currently pursuing a degree in natural resources, environmental science, agriculture or a related field.

Ag fertilizer trainings offered in NC Ohio

COLUMBUS — Farmers who apply fertilizer on more than 50 acres are being encouraged to obtain their fertilizer applicator certification before this year’s planting season. The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation is asking farmers to attend a training session being conducted by the Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

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