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Farm Country

Class on preserving vegetables

The Wyandot County Farm Bureau will offer a free class on canning and freezing vegetables for members of the public. The workshop will focus on what to do with extra vegetables from gardens, how to take advantage of grocery store produce sales and best ways to store vegetables. The class is set for 6-8 p.m. Aug. 26 at John Stewart …

Farm Bureau offers class on preserving

The Wyandot County Farm Bureau will offer a free class on canning and freezing vegetables for members of the public. The workshop will focus on what to do with extra vegetables from gardens, how to take advantage of grocery store produce sales and best ways to store vegetables.

Nutrient kits offered

The Wyandot County Farm Bureau and the Wyandot Soil and Water Conservation District are teaming up to offer manure nutrient sampling kits to the first 35 Farm Bureau members who request them. Manure nutrient sampling kits are available at the Wyandot SWCD office, 97 Houpt Drive., No. 1, Upper Sandusky.

CRP celebrates 30 years

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Farm Service Agency’s Conservation Reserve Program. Signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1985, CRP is the largest private-lands conservation program in the U.S.

Carey FFA officers

Carey FFA officers

The Carey FFA officer team for the 2015-16 school year includes (from left) Chase Wagner, reporter; Carley Coppler, president; Noel Orians, sentinel; Dakota Conley, secretary; Madison Kessler, historian; Emily Motta, treasurer; and Kaden Blankenship, vice president.

Nomination deadline nears for committee

The election of agricultural producers to Farm Service Agency county committees is important to farmers. It is crucial that every eligible producer participate in the elections because FSA county committees are a link between the agricultural community and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. County committee members are a critical component of the operations of FSA. They help deliver FSA farm …

4-H clubs: July 21, 2015

The River Roundup 4-H club recently met for its eighth meeting of the season with 21 project members, three cloverbuds and five advisers at John Stewart United Methodist Church. President Rachael Herring called the meeting to order.

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