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Farm Country

OFBF opposes marijuana measure

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation has announced its opposition to the marijuana legalization measure likely to be on the November ballot. The farm bureau says the proposal distorts Ohio’s constitution, creates a monopoly that excludes average Ohioans and puts the state at odds with federal law.

FSA director: Enrollment for dairy program began July 1

Starting July 1, dairy farmers were able to enroll in the Margin Protection Program for coverage in 2016. The voluntary program, established by the 2014 farm bill, provides financial assistance to participating dairy operations when the margin — the difference between the price of milk and feed costs — falls below the coverage level selected by the farmer.

Annual lottery underway for beginning fish-flying

FINDLAY — Anglers interested in learning the art of fly fishing and practicing their skills on a half-mile section of Cold Creek at the Castalia State Fish Hatchery in Erie County are encouraged to enter a lottery for beginning fly-fishing clinics, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Tree workshop slated

COLUMBUS — The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will offer a tree diagnostic workshop from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 14 at the Mansfield campus, located at 1260 University Drive.

4-H clubs: June 30, 2015

Twenty-one project members, three cloverbuds and five advisers recently attended the seventh meeting of the River Roundup 4-H club at John Stewart United Methodist Church. President Rachael Herring called the meeting to order.

Environmental camp

Angie Ford (center) and Ruth McCreary (standing, right) help campers make homemade peanut butter at the annual Wyandot Soil and Water Conservation District day camp Thursday at Gottfried Nature Center.

Upper FFA students learn about marine biology in Fla.

Snorkeling in Florida

KEY LARGO, Fla. — Nine Upper Sandusky FFA students had the opportunity to spend five days in Florida studying marine biology at Marine Lab on Key Largo. Marine Lab is a research and development foundation created to help others understand marine ecology, according to a press release from the Upper Sandusky FFA.

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