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Monthly sheriff reports released

Sheriff Michael R. Hetzel has released his activity report for the month of September: Complaints investigated, 182; adult felony arrests, 5; adult misdemeanor arrests, 39; adult traffic arrests, 199; juvenile misdemeanor arrests, 1; juvenile traffic arrests, 4; injury traffic crashes investigated, 8 (9 injured); property damage traffic crashes investigated, 27; court papers served, 54; total number of prisoners incarcerated, 50; number of meals served to inmates, 1,412; daily inmate average for the month, 18; inmates transported to or from penal institutions, 10; registered sex offenders in the county, 39 (39 in compliance); sheriff’s sale activity, 2 appraisal and 3 sales; concealed carry permits, 10 new, 12 renewal; web checks (employment, background, housing), 26; courthouse security, individuals entering courthouse, 3,997 (2 mace, 54 knives, 1 Taser); deputies auxiliary hours worked, 110; total fair hours worked by auxiliary and full-time officers, 1,332.

Monthly vital statistics report released

Jane M. Shrider, registrar of vital statistics at the Wyandot County Health Department, reports there were 15 births and 20 deaths in the county during August. Births include four females and 11 males; deaths include 15 females and five males. Sixty-nine certified birth and 64 certified death certificates were issued. Thirty burial permits were issued.

Homecoming king and queen

Homecoming king and queen featured

Wynford’s Macey Zinser (left) and Alizhah Watson (right) were named the 2018 Wynford High School Homecoming queen and king. Zinser, a Bucyrus native, is a daughter of Jake and Mollie Zinser. Watson, a Nevada native, is a son of Amy Freeman and Anthony Watson.

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