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Representatives from the Village Gardeners gave a presentation at Monday’s meeting of the What’s Cookin’ Cookbook Discussion Group at the Upper Sandusky Community Library.

Student increase doesn’t net much extra funding at Riverdale

MOUNT BLANCHARD — Even though the Riverdale Local School District has seen an increase of about 34 students this year, that won’t result in a large increase in funding. District Treasurer Jodie Ribley began her report at Monday’s regular monthly meeting by stating that the 2018-19 school year has started out well, with new employees added to the system and students back in classes with a possible increase in enrollment.

Medians closed now at US 23/30 intersections with CH 50, 121

The median crossovers at CH 50 and CH 121 along U.S. 23/U.S. 30 in Upper Sandusky will closed this week and removal of all access there will be considered next year. The medians at CH 50 and CH 121 along U.S. 23/U.S. 30 will be closed off with construction barrels and signage on U.S. 23/U.S. 30 and on the local roads approaching the intersections will be modified to reflect the change in access.

New common pleas court cases filed

Certificate of judgment: Capital One Bank (USA) NA, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Nathaniel Tucker, 449 Frederick St., Carey, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: Capital One Bank (USA) NA, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Jessica Creamer, 3355 CH 44, Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor.

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