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CRP participants must follow guidelines

Conservation Reserve Program participants are responsible for ensuring adequate, approved vegetative and practice cover is maintained to control erosion throughout the life of the contract after the practice has been established. Participants also must control undesirable vegetation, weeds (including noxious weeds), insects and rodents that may pose a threat to existing cover or adversely impact other landowners in the area.

Carey to put renewal tax levy on ballot

CAREY — During their meeting on Monday, the Carey Exempted Village School District Board of Education approved a resolution to renew the levy of an annual income tax expiring at the end of 2019 for school district purposes. With the passing of the resolution, the 1 percent, five-year income tax levy will be placed on the ballot for voters in the upcoming general election on Nov. 6.

Nevada switches accounting programs

NEVADA — Nevada Council approved a switch to Uniform Accounting Network as its accounting services software during Monday night’s council meeting. The village currently uses Governmental Systems, but Fiscal Officer Cindy Ernsberger said last month the state recommends UAN because it is more user-friendly.

Only front entrance of courthouse to be open

Beginning Wednesday, phase one of the security lockdown will take place at the Wyandot County Courthouse in Upper Sandusky. The courthouse will be open to employees and the general public at 8 a.m. but only the front/west, main door will be used for entrance and exit moving forward.

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