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Carey interviewing for police captain

CAREY — Carey officials will conduct interviews for a new police captain who is likely to become the next village police chief. Delivering the administrative update in Roy Johnson’s absence (illness), Mayor Jennifer Rathburn announced during Monday’s regular council meeting that Chief Rich Kesler has opened the captain job up to current command officers.

Upper seeking to increase capital outlay in yearly appropriations

Upper Sandusky City Council heard the first reading of an ordinance for supplemental appropriations during a regular meeting Monday evening after receiving an update from city auditor Mark Droll. If approved on its second reading during council’s next regular meeting Nov. 6, this year’s appropriations for capital outlay of the capital improvement fund will be increased from $980,228.09 to $1,562,228.09, whlie the water fund will will increase operation expenses from $641,800 to $695,800.

What’s up, doc?

What's up doc

Carey Boys 4-H club member Trent Hucke won fourth place at the 94th American Rabbit Breeders Association Convention in Indianapolis with his award-winning junior tort buck. Hucke is a seventh-grade student at Our Lady of Consolation. Submitted photo

Person of the Year

Person of the Year

Daily Chief-Union sports editor Lonnie McMillan was named Special Olympics Ohio Media Person of the Year at the Fall Conference in Columbus on Friday night. Pictured are (from left) Josh Messersmith, Ben Fry, Lonnie McMillan, Shauna McMillan and Therese “Bucko” Barron.

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