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Off the tee

Off the tee featured

Kayleb Keaton hits off the tee during Wynford’s golf match against Bucyrus on Tuesday. Results were not provided.

Upper PD responds to calls

A caller reported a portable cement mixer in the roadway at South Seventh and South streets the afternoon of Aug. 28. When the responding officer arrived, the owners of the mixer were loading the item back into its trailer, stating the strap used to secure it had broken. No damage was observed.

Mohawk staff to take part in active shooter training

SYCAMORE — Mohawk School staff will take part in an active shooter training Thursday, superintendent Michael Leitera said. First responders, including local emergency medical service, fire department and law enforcement workers will conduct the training during a teacher’s inservice day when students will be out of school.

Village of Nevada reopens brush pile

NEVADA — Nevada Council voted Monday night to reopen the village brush pile after it has been closed for years because it became overfilled. The village recently had the brush pile chipped and disposed of, and now council is ready to give it a try again with regulations to better maintain it. Council members said they hoped for it to be open again before the next council meeting on Oct. 9.

Carey School custodians complain about pay

CAREY — Carey janitorial staff leader Stan Stombaugh and two other custodians expressed grievance over custodial wages during a regular board meeting Monday. Stombaugh was not on the agenda as a scheduled speaker, but he told the board of education he was displeased to learn that newly hired custodian Dave Wenzinger is being paid a higher wage than other experienced custodians on the Carey staff.



Upper Sandusky firefighters have placed 343 flags — one for each firefighter who lost their lives during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York — on the front lawn at the city safety building. Pictures of all of the deceased firefighters are on the glass windows and bay doors at the Upper Sandusky …

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