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Upper cheer awards

Upper cheer awards

Upper Sandusky recently gave out awards to its cheerleaders. Winners were (from left) Ellie Barnett, most improved; Hannah Dible, Knights of Columbus award and three-year varsity award; Corrie Knapp, cheerleading heart award and three-year varsity award; and Logan Dible, leadership award and three-year varsity award.

Riverdale FFA attends workshop

MOUNT BLANCHARD — Two officers and the adviser of the Riverdale FFA chapter recently attended the “Feed the World” Precision Agriculture workshop at Legacy in Custer. The workshop was a partnership between the Ohio Corn and Wheat Association and Legacy.

USEVSD to form athletic council

Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools are making a couple of changes that board members hope will be positive for athletics. The district is forming an athletic council and also will have a no-contact period for all school activities for a week during the summer.

Ohio to launch ad campaign to attract visitors

COLUMBUS (AP) — Ohio officials are launching an advertising campaign aimed at attracting visitors to the state’s tourist destinations. The campaign that begins today includes a 30-second TV spot, along with print and digital advertising featuring the new “Ohio. Find It Here.” brand. The television ad is expected to air in the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lima, Toledo and Youngstown …

Hunting eggs

Liam Lockhart

The first Easter egg hunt sponsored by Hannah’s House, a supervised visitation and exchange home based in Upper Sandusky was held at Upper Sandusky Middle School on Saturday morning.

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