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Early childhood education may be part of Carey school

CAREY — Carey Exempted Village Schools may introduce two new early childhood education programs as part of its transition into a new school building. Superintendent Mike Wank said offering a “reading recovery” program and pre-kindergarten classes is necessary to combat a recent trend in students coming into kindergarten behind in development.

Nevada considers going solar

NEVADA — The village of Nevada will see how much it might save if it were to install solar panels at both its water and sewer plants. Council voted Monday to allow Solar Planet, of Columbus, to do a free analysis after hearing from company representative Dave Dwyer.

Bids being accepted for bridge repair

Bridges in Richland and Marseilles townships will receive repair work in the near future. The Wyandot County commissioners on Monday approved advertising for bids to repair the Potato Creek bridge on CH 79, just west of Wharton, and the bridge on CH 77 on the southern border of Killdeer Plains about 2 miles east of Marseilles.

Boots and Badges

The Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office was announced as the winner of the first Battle of the Badges on Saturday night during the fourth annual Boots and Badges event hosted by the American Red Cross in Carey.

Common pleas court cases filed

Certificate of judgment: LVNV Funding LLC, Greenville, South Carolina, judgment creditor, vs. Tracy Hackworth, PO Box 302, Wharton, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: Capital One Bank USA NA, Richmond, Virginia, judgment creditor, vs. Joel Ratliff, 990 Edgewood Drive, Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor.

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