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Sheriff fields questions in Sycamore police forum

SYCAMORE — Wyandot County Sheriff Mike Hetzel fielded a variety of questions Tuesday during a forum on law enforcement in the village of Sycamore while reassuring village officials, residents and business owners he will work with them to come up with a plan for contracting services if council members choose to go that route.

Sycamore fire chief: EMTs needed as retirements loom

SYCAMORE — Sycamore Fire and Rescue continues to seek qualified candidates, with emergency medical technicians especially in demand, fire chief Bryan Clouse reported during a regular meeting of council Tuesday night. Two candidates currently are enrolled in emergency medical services training in anticipation of potential retirements of longtime EMTs, Clouse told council members.

Carey man sentenced to 6-year prison term after felony assault

Bleam Brent Jr

A Carey man who used his vehicle to intentionally run down another man and then fled the scene this past summer will spend the next six years in prison. Citing his past history of violence, Wyandot County Common Pleas Court Judge Kate Aubry on Tuesday sentenced Brent Bleam Jr., 20, to six years in prison for felonious assault for the July 7 incident in which he drove his vehicle into Matthew Pack while the victim was standing on the sidewalk in front of his residence.

Nevada officials receive another complaint of illegal burning

NEVADA — Council members heard another complaint of illegal open burning in the village of Nevada during Monday night’s meeting. Mayor Ken Kerr said he consulted with the Environmental Protection Agency, and anyone who wants to report a case of illegal burning may do so by calling the EPA or the Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office.

Riverdale BOE seeks candidates

MOUNT BLANCHARD —The Riverdale Local School District is seeking applications for the vacant position on its board of education. An individual appointed will fill the vacant position beginning at the reorganizational meeting in January and serve until the term ends Dec. 31, 2017.

Wynford BOE to meet

BUCYRUS — The Wynford Local School District Board of Education will have a special meeting in executive session at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday in the high school library. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the employment of a public employee or official.

Police: Drunk man had boy, 9, drive him to gas station

TIFFIN (AP) — Police say a northwest Ohio man was drunk when he had his 9-year-old neighbor drive him to a gas station to buy barbecue sauce for their chicken dinner. A Tiffin police spokesman tells The Advertiser-Tribune the boy drove the man to the gas station Saturday evening, but clerks would not let the child drive home and reported the situation.

Local officers complete CIT training

USPD crisis intervention team graduates

TIFFIN — Dealing with mental health patients and those who have addiction can be one of the biggest challenges law enforcement face on a day-to-day basis. Making that task easier during a crisis for the police officer, those suffering from illness and addiction and their families was the goal of the week-long Crisis Intervention Team Academy held at Vanguard-Sentinel Career Technology Centers last week.

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