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CHIP mtg. set Oct. 19

There will be an informational public meeting for all Wyandot County and city of Upper Sandusky residents interested in taking advantage of the recently funded Community Housing Impact and Preservation program. There will be funds available for private owner rehabilitation and owner home repair.

Regional planning canceled

The Wyandot County Regional Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items. The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Nov. 19 in the assembly room at the Wyandot County Courthouse.

Coalition awarded $24,524 in traffic funds

The Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Ohio Traffic Safety Office has awarded the Wyandot County Health Department $24,524 in federal traffic safety funding to conduct Safe Communities grant activities. Funding from the Safe Communities grant will be used to conduct education and awareness campaigns related to motorcycle safety, drinking and driving, set belt usage and distracted driving. The funds also …

Search warrant yields gun, drugs

Another bust

A rural Upper Sandusky man was arrested on felony drug charges Wednesday evening after a search warrant was served at 13961 CH 115. Zachary Z. Scofield, 24, was taken into custody after the search warrant unveiled a large amount of marijuana, cocaine, prescription pills, a 9 mm pistol and $9,383 worth of cash believed to be the proceeds of drug sales.

Library board makes final decisions on landscaping

A capital improvements project involving new landscaping around the Upper Sandusky Community Library will move forward as early as Monday. Steve Heinlen of Carmar Gardens visited the library board during its regular meeting Thursday to finalize details for the project that was approved in September.

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