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6 join staff at Carey Exempted Schools

New staff

CAREY — Six new teachers have joined the Carey Blue Devils this year, each with his or her own unique story and special reasons for choosing the Carey Exempted Village School District. This year, the community welcomed Tyler Long, Megan Eisenhour, Stacy Molnar, Matthew Lawrence, Kelsey MacDonald and Tracy O’Brien.

Riverdale royalty

Taylor Kuenzli (left) and Joe Lauck were named Riverdale High School’s homecoming queen and king on Friday night. Kuenzli is a daughter of Andrea and Brian Kuenzli, of Mount Blanchard, and Lauck is a son of Shawn Donaldson, of Mount Blanchard. Daily Chief-Union/Kim Camper

Safety Blotter: October 2, 2015

Brendan O’ Keefe, Columbus, was cited Aug. 21 for driving under suspension and speed. Joel A. Duncan, Bucyrus, was cited for failure to control on Aug. 21 after losing control of his vehicle and driving off the left side of the road and into a cornfield while traveling west on Ohio 67 near CH 50.

United Way campaign kicks off

Campaign kicks off

United Way of Wyandot County hosted a golf outing last week at Lincoln Hills Golf Course to kick off its annual community campaign, with a goal to raise $38,000 by Dec. 31. All proceeds from the event will benefit United Way of Wyandot County’s agency partners.

Carey moves step closer to potential of 149 new jobs over three years

The village of Carey is one step closer to a new employer potentially bringing 149 new jobs to the area over three years after the Wyandot County Board of Commissioners approved an annexation petition Thursday for land to be added to the village from Crawford Township. The new 100,000-square-foot building constructed by Vaughn Industries was built unintentionally on land in both the village and Crawford Township, the commissioners said.

Commissioners voice opposition to fall marijuana legalization initiative

The Wyandot County Board of Commissioners voiced its unanimous opposition to state Issue 3 on the Nov. 3 ballot, which would legalize medicinal and recreational use of marijuana in Ohio. The three county commissioners also unanimously passed a resolution Thursday to support state Issue 2, which if passed would prohibit special interests from securing an amendment to the Ohio Constitution that creates permanent preferential tax rates or commercial rights for themselves or any business.

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