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Traffic cases tried

Scott B. Koehler, 10274 CH 330, Upper Sandusky, speed, $30 fine plus costs, two points, Carteens. Samantha D. Newell, 11521 TH 60, Upper Sandusky, speed, $30 fine plus costs, two points.

Safety Blotter: August 1, 2015

Upper Sandusky Police Department Zaki N. Halaoui, Columbus, was cited for window tint and warned for no front plate after a traffic stop on U.S. 23 the night of June 9. Heather N. Davis, Custar, was warned for insufficient exhaust the night of June 9 after a traffic stop on U.S. 23 near CH 121.

Scenic view

Above: A doe and two fawns graze in a shady area of Stepping Stones Park, which was named after the stones crossing the river. According to a memorial for Alice Fleck McGann on the bank just above the stones, Patrick O’Brien owned most of the river front from 1870 to 1910. McGann, a daughter of Louis and Rose (O’Brien) Fleck, …

Swim instructors

Twelve local water safety instructors recently took a refresher and upgrade class with Rebecca Fischer, aquatics specialist with the American Red Cross in Ohio. The course included new resources available to instructors online, like videos, skill sheets and lesson plans.

Two-day St. Mary’s Kirby Fest taking place this weekend

KIRBY — The Transfiguration of the Lord St. Mary’s Chapel annual two-day St. Mary’s Kirby Festival is scheduled to take place this weekend, with several new events and the return of some old favorites. Event chairman Curt Frey said Saturday afternoon and evening will mostly consist of events for adults.

Caulking removal continues

Caulking removal is expected to be completed today around the courthouse tower, Midstate Contractors Inc. project supervisor Steve Gilmore reported to the Wyandot County commissioners at a weekly update meeting on the restoration project at the Wyandot County Courthouse on Wednesday.

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