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New common pleas cases filed

Certificate of judgment: State of Ohio Department of Taxation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. RK Landscape and Design LLC, 3737 CH 96, suite B, Carey, judgment debtor. Certificate of judgment: Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Columbus, judgment creditor, vs. Deyco, Inc., 465 Spring St., Upper Sandusky, judgment debtor.

Cases heard in city municipal court

Robin C. Bailey, Mount Victory, charged by the state with assault and by the police with possession of criminal tools, indigency hearing held, continued to Aug. 3. James F. Kain, Forest, charged by the ODNR with motor vehicle in a non-designated area, amended plea to no contest, found guilty.

Couples wed

Dennis Edward Harden, 53, Columbus, educator; and Lynda Jean Smith, 53, 5482 Brookview Lane, Upper Sandusky, teacher, July 23. Benjamin Michael Mathias, 32, Dry Ridge, Kentucky, engineer; and Jenise Renee Saltzman, 29, Alvada, teacher, July 23.

Traffic cases tried

Scott B. Koehler, 10274 CH 330, Upper Sandusky, speed, $30 fine plus costs, two points, Carteens. Samantha D. Newell, 11521 TH 60, Upper Sandusky, speed, $30 fine plus costs, two points.

Safety Blotter: August 1, 2015

Upper Sandusky Police Department Zaki N. Halaoui, Columbus, was cited for window tint and warned for no front plate after a traffic stop on U.S. 23 the night of June 9. Heather N. Davis, Custar, was warned for insufficient exhaust the night of June 9 after a traffic stop on U.S. 23 near CH 121.

Scenic view

Above: A doe and two fawns graze in a shady area of Stepping Stones Park, which was named after the stones crossing the river. According to a memorial for Alice Fleck McGann on the bank just above the stones, Patrick O’Brien owned most of the river front from 1870 to 1910. McGann, a daughter of Louis and Rose (O’Brien) Fleck, …

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