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Dinner successful for Nevada project

NEVADA — Nevada Mayor Ken Kerr reported to village council Monday that a porkchop dinner and picnic hosted at the community park over the weekend sold around 100 tickets and raised approximately $500. Kerr thanked councilman Jeff Kindley and all of those who helped out for their hard work and efforts.

Carey BOE adds classrooms to project

CAREY — The Carey Exempted Village Schools board approved an amendment with architects Fanning/Howey Associates adding four new classrooms to the new school in a meeting Monday night. The board previously approved the addition of four more classrooms in the new building, but approved an amendment setting the revised amount for the project at a little more than $2.6 million Monday.

Big crowd for church

A crowd estimated by organizers at more than 1,200 people attended church services Sunday in Gormley Park to hear John Godwin of the A&E TV series “Duck Dynasty” speak on his experiences on the show and his Christian faith.

Robbery cold case reopened

The case of a 1997 bank robbery is being reopened by the Upper Sandusky Police Department and Wyandot County Prosecutor’s Office, and the agencies are asking for the public’s help as they try to catch the perpetrator.

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