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No charges in alleged road rage complaint

No one was arrested or charged when the Upper Sandusky Police Department responded to a report of a motorist threatening to shoot a semitrailer driver Wednesday afternoon. The USPD received a 911 call at approximately 1:21 p.m. from a semi driver who said a motorist threatened to shoot him at the intersection of North Eighth Street and Wyandot Avenue.

Courthouse project may be delayed


Work on the courthouse tower may be slightly delayed due to the possibility of asbestos in caulking, Midstate Contractors Inc. project supervisor Steve Gilmore said during a weekly construction update meeting on the restoration project at the Wyandot County Courthouse. While roofing and other work continues on the project, airblasting to remove paint and rust from the tower cannot be completed until caulking that has been testing high, is removed.

Feasel hired as new Mohawk treasurer

Rhonda Feasel

SYCAMORE — The Mohawk Local Schools Board of Education approved a three-year contract for new district treasurer Rhonda Feasel at a special meeting Wednesday night. The decision came on the heels of last month’s meeting where Roy Swartz, current treasurer, submitted his resignation for retirement, effective at the end of February.

DC-U seeks sources for energy series

The Daily Chief-Union is looking for stories of municipalities, residents and businesses using alternative forms of energy for an upcoming series. To be included in the series, contact Matt Nye at 419-294-2332 or send an email to dcueditor@dailychiefunion.com.

PD to hold interviews

The Upper Sandusky Police Department will conduct three interviews Friday with assistance from members of the city’s safety committee.

Pantry Palooza to raise food donations for Carey area

CAREY — The eighth annual Carey Pantry Palooza will include many new activities this Sunday, from children’s activities to fair trade artisan gifts and crafts for sale, as well as some old favorites. This year’s event is sponsored by the nonprofit organization The Carey Link as a fundraiser for itself and the Carey Food Pantry.

Work done in Kirby

KIRBY — Councilman George Human reported many potholes in Kirby have been recently repaired with the use of Sacrete cold patch mix during a village council meeting Tuesday.

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