Legals - Times

Notice is hereby given Kenton City Council will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 111 W. Franklin St., Kenton, Ohio, on August 12, 2024 at 6:00 P.M., to consider the application of Hardin County Commissioners, owner of property located at corner of Jones Road and State Route 309, to rezone said property from R-1 (One and Two Family) to M-2 (General Manufacturing).
Situated in the City of Kenton, County of Hardin, State of Ohio and being part of the NEl/4 and SE l/4 of Fractional Section 31 and part of the NWl/4 and the SWI/4 of Fractional Section 32 T4S, RI IE, and being part of a tract of land as described in deed to the Commissioners of Hardin County Ohio (Infirmary Fann) as recorded in Deed Volume 30, Page 415 and deed to the Hardin County, Ohio, Board of County Commissioners as recorded in Deed Volume 81, Page 148 and Deed Volume 192, Page 190 of the Hardin County Recorder's Office, a tract of land bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8" iron pin found marking the northeast comer of Section 31;
thence along the east line of Section 31, S00°15'32"W, a distance of 1725.08 feet to the intersection of said east line with the centerline of State Route No. 309 (Lima Street) (R/W Varies);
thence along the centerline of said State Route No. 309, N60°21 '53"W, a distance of 78.61feet to a chiseled "X" with a nail set marking the intersection of said centerline with the westerly railroad right of way line as described in deed to the New York Central Lines, LLC in Official Record 151, Page 282 of the Hardin County Recorder's Office, said chiseled "X" with a nail set being the Principal Point of Beginning of the tract of land herein described;
thence from the above described Principal Point of Beginning and along said westerly railroad right of way line, S30°20'01 "E, a distance of 2364.59 feet to an iron pin set, passing an iron pin set at 159.85 feet;
thence, N87°20'35"W, a distance of 1773.83 feet to a mag nail set on the centerline of Jones Road, passing an iron pin set at 174 3. 7 6 feet;
thence along the centerline of Jones Road (60' R/W), N0l °10'58"W, a distance of 989.13 feet to a mag nail found;
thence continuing along the centerline of said Jones Road, N0l °11 '30"W, a distance of 212.88 feet to a mag nail found;
thence continuing along the centerline of said Jones Road, N0l °27'44"W, a distance of 408.98 feet to a mag nail found;
thence continuing along the centerline of said Jones Road, N00 °30'3l"E, a distance of 133.67 feet to a mag nail found;
thence continuing along the centerline of said Jones Road, N11 °40'08"E, a distance of 98.81 feet to a mag nail found??
thence continuing along the centerline of said Jones Road, Nl4 °23'58"E, a distance of 198.66 feet to a mag nail found;
The above legal description is based upon a land survey performed in December of 2023 and was prepared by Lucas J. Underwood, P.E/.P.S., PS #8555.
The above legal description is comprised of 31.613 acres of land from Tax Parcel
#36-8100130000, 4.761 acres of land from Tax Parcel #36-8100120000 and 19.626 acres from Tax Parcel #368100110000.
A copy of the amendments & maps shall be on file for public examination in the office of the Clerk of Council at any time prior to said public hearing. Hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, except holidays.
Emma Nelson, Clerk,
City of Kenton
June 29, 2024

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