As of 11:30 a.m. Friday, Wyandot County Public Health reported a total of 25 coronavirus cases, including 24 lab confirmed cases and one probable case in Wyandot County. Of the reported individuals, there is one current hospitalization and two previous hospitalizations, two deaths and four recoveries. Confirmed cases include seven females and 17 males. Additional case information was not available as of press time Friday.
Do not rely on the number of positive tests to determine when to take protection seriously. Continue to practice social distancing. The stay-at-home order was put in place to protect citizens through self-quarantine; take these regulations seriously to keep Wyandot County healthy.
The health department is slowly starting immunization clinics back up. It is in the process of contacting clients now. Scheduling will be done an hour apart and patrons will have their temperature checked at the front door.
Patrons with appointments are asked to call the office once they arrive to say they have arrived from the parking lot so that a health department employee can unlock the door and take the patron’s temperature.
As of 2 p.m. Thursday, the Ohio Department of Health has reported 14,694 confirmed and probable cases, 2,960 hospitalizations and 656 deaths in Ohio. For additional statewide case information, download the COVID Summary data spreadsheet at The Ohio Department of Health has created a dashboard which provides both local and regional data at
To view the current Ohio Department of Health Orders and Gov. Mike DeWine’s executive orders visit
Additional information is available by calling the ODH information line at 833-4-ASK-ODH and at the CDC’s website