Wyandot County Public Health has reported a total of 17 coronavirus cases with no new cases as of 2 p.m. Sunday. This includes 16 lab confirmed and one probable case. There have been two deaths and are currently no hospitalizations. In addition, there are four probable COVID-19 cases pending review by the Ohio Department of Health.
As of 2 p.m. Sunday, the Ohio Department of Health has reported 11,602 confirmed and probable cases, 2,565 hospitalizations and 471 deaths in Ohio. For additional statewide case information, download the COVID Summary data spreadsheet at coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/COVIDSummaryData.csv.
It is recommended everyone wear a mask in public for protection. The Ohio Department of Health offers a list of ways to utilize masks effectively:
— Do use coverings that fit snugly but comfortably and allow for breathing without restriction. Secure behind the head with ties or ear loops. Wear horizontally.
— Do not touch the mask while wearing it. If you do, wash your hands immediately.
— Do ensure that the nose, mouth, and chin are covered at all times.
— Do not allow the mask to slip under the nose and do not untie straps/unhook ear loops.
— Do wash hands before putting on and immediately after removing a mask.
— Do not touch the eyes, nose or mouth when removing the face covering.
— Do launder coverings after each use.
— Do not wear when wet from laundering or from spit or mucus.
For more information regarding making and wearing masks, visit coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/checklists/english-checklists/cloth-face-coverings-covid-19-checklist.
Additional information is available by calling the ODH information line at 833-4-ASK-ODH and by visiting the CDC’s website at cdc.gov/coronavirus.