Home Local News COVID-19 Health Dept: 24 lab confirmed, 1 probable case of virus in county

Health Dept: 24 lab confirmed, 1 probable case of virus in county


Editor’s note: The number of confirmed Wyandot County cases has been reduced by the Ohio Department of Health due to a discrepancy in a patient’s address. The correct number of confirmed cases in Wyandot County is 24. This varies from the report in the print edition as the change was made after press time Friday.

As noon Friday, Wyandot County Public Health reported a total of 25 coronavirus cases, including 24 lab confirmed cases and one probable case in Wyandot County.

Of the reported individuals, there is one current hospitalization, 2 deaths and 14 recoveries.

Do not rely on the number of positive tests to determine when to take protection seriously. Continue to practice social distancing. The stay-at-home order was put in place to protect citizens through self-quarantine. Take these regulations seriously to keep Wyandot County healthy.

As of 2 p.m. Thursday, the Ohio Department of Health has reported 18,027 confirmed and probable cases, 3,533 hospitalizations and 975 deaths in Ohio. For additional statewide case information, download the COVID Summary data spreadsheet at coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/COVIDSummaryData.csv.

Responsible RestartOhio

Beginning today, all medically necessary procedures that do not require an overnight stay in a healthcare facility or do not require inpatient hospital admission and which minimize use of personal protective equipment may move forward. This includes regular doctor visits, well-care checks, well-baby visits, out-patient surgeries, imaging procedures and diagnostic tests. Dental services and veterinary services also may proceed if a safe environment can be established.

Health care providers and facilities that plan to resume providing these services must adhere to infection control practices, have sufficient PPE and talk with patients about the risk of contracting COVID-19.

In accordance with the Governor’s Responsible RestartOhio, as business openings are phased in, there are five protocols that must be adhered to. These protocols include:

— Require face coverings for employees and recommend them for clients and customers at all times.

 — Conduct daily health assessments by employers and employees (self-evaluation) to determine if “fit for duty.”

 — Maintain good hygiene at all times with hand washing, sanitizing and social distancing.

 — Clean and sanitize workplaces throughout the workday and at the close of business or between shifts.

 — Limit capacity to meet social distancing guidelines by establishing a maximum capacity of 50% of the fire code and using appointment setting where possible to limit congestion.

Take the following actions when a COVID-19 infection is identified.

— Immediately report employee or customer infections to the local health district.

 — Work with the local health department to identify potentially exposed individuals to help facilitate appropriate communication/contact tracing.

 — Shutdown shop/floor for deep sanitation if possible.

 — Professionally clean and sanitize site/location.

 — Reopen in consultation with the local health department.

To view the current Ohio Department of Health Orders and Gov. DeWine’s executive orders visit coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/resources/public-health-orders/public-health-orders.

Additional information is available by calling ODH’s information line at 833-4-ASK-ODH and at the CDC’s website cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/.

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