As of 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wyandot County Public Health reported a total of 24 coronavirus cases with 23 lab confirmed cases and one probable case in Wyandot County. There is one current hospitalization of a female in her 20s who was admitted to the hospital Thursday. There have been a total of three hospitalizations, with the other two cases being a male in his 60s and a male in the 80 and up age group. Both of the previously hospitalized patients have since died. Of the confirmed cases, 14 have recovered.
Specific confirmed case information includes two females in their 20s, one with an onset date of April 14 and one with an onset date of April 19 who was hospitalized April 23; two females and one male in their 30s with onset dates ranging from March 22 to April 12; four males in their 40s with onset dates ranging from April 5 to April 21; four females and eight males in their 50s with onset dates ranging from March 26 to April 22; two males in their 60s, one with an onset date of April 11 and another who died April 8 after an onset date of March 23; and one male in the 80 and up age range who died April 10 after an onset date of March 29.
Do not rely on the number of positive tests to determine when to take the need for protection seriously. Continue to practice social distancing. The stay-at-home order was put in place to protect citizens through self-quarantine. Take these regulations seriously to keep Wyandot County healthy.
As of 2 p.m. Sunday, the Ohio Department of Health has reported 16,769 confirmed and probable cases, 3,340 hospitalizations and 799 deaths in Ohio. For additional statewide case information, download the COVID Summary data spreadsheet at The Ohio Department of Health has created a dashboard which provides both local and regional data at
The Ohio Department of Health is giving the following five protocols for all businesses as they begin to reopen:
— Recommend face coverings for employees and clients/customers.
— Conduct daily health assessments by employers and employees (self-evaluation) to determine if “fit for duty.”
— Maintain good hygiene at all times with hand washing, sanitizing and social distancing.
— Clean and sanitize workplaces throughout workday and at the close of business or between shifts.
— Limit capacity to meet social distancing guidelines. This includes a maximum capacity of 50% of the fire code and using appointment setting where possible to limit congestion.
To view the current Ohio Department of Health Orders and Gov. Mike DeWine’s executive orders visit Additional information is available by calling the ODH information line at 833-4-ASK-ODH and by visiting the CDC’s website at