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So you told the Gillens that to avoid accidents your saying they should of taken out at Indian Mill and at the Wyandot Canoe Livery. That would be hard to do if you have an accident up river at the waterworks dam.
I would say putting up signs along the rivers edge on city property all down the side as you get close to the dam. They could start at black bridge all the way up to the dam.
July 8, 2015 at 5:25 PM
So you told the Gillens that to avoid accidents your saying they should of taken out at Indian Mill and at the Wyandot Canoe Livery. That would be hard to do if you have an accident up river at the waterworks dam.
July 8, 2015 at 5:31 PM
I would say putting up signs along the rivers edge on city property all down the side as you get close to the dam. They could start at black bridge all the way up to the dam.