Home Local News COVID-19 Wyandot County rates of COVID infection are on the decline

Wyandot County rates of COVID infection are on the decline



City editor

The Wyandot County Board of Health was informed COVID-19 numbers are on the decline during its regular meeting Wednesday. 

In the COVID-19 update, Director of Environmental Health Jeff Ritchey reported cases were down in February, with 60 cases reported from Feb. 2 to Feb. 15. By comparison, there were 160 cases in the previous two-week period from Jan. 19 to Feb. 1. There were eight hospitalizations from Feb. 2 to Feb. 15, all from individuals age 50 and over. 

Board members asked if data was available for people who had been infected with COVID-19 multiple times and if vaccinated patients who had been hospitalized had also received a booster dose. Ritchey and Director of Nursing Anna Gibson said the department would look into the data. 

Going back a month, epidemiologist Mary Salimbene-Merriman reported the number of reportable infectious disease cases in Wyandot County increased by 200% from December 2021 to January 2022, primarily due to the highly-transmissible omicron variant of COVID-19. A total of 1,272 more cases of infectious disease were reported from February 2021 to January 2022 compared to the previous year of February 2020 to January 2021. 

On the topic of the health department’s strategic plan, Deputy Health Commissioner Shermaine Hutchins said there was a significant decrease this past year in the car seat program compared to last year and he’s looking to have more health department employees trained in the program.

“I’ve taken a big interest in the car seat program,” Hutchins said. 

Hutchins recommended the department no longer request a $20 donation for car seats and he said he’s hopeful to have the program ramped up in the next couple of months.

Ritchey reported the department’s outreach numbers have increased significantly, which is a big goal in the strategic plan.

Hutchins said he’s adamant about outreach to local youth.

“We want to be there for the entire population,” Hutchins said. “Not just the older population and women. I really want to make a focus on customer service.”

Gibson reported the health department extended an offer to one candidate for a public health nurse position and more interviews are scheduled to fill the remaining vacant public health nurse position. In the meantime, nurses are making adjustments to provide coverage to open programs. 

Gibson said the department is working to improve its daily processes by tracking staff time and daily activities, which will allow the department to present more accurate information to the board and focus on finding more funding allocations more appropriately. 

Life skills classes are currently in progress for fourth grade students at Carey and Our Lady of Consolation, with St. Peter School and Mohawk starting soon. Remaining classes for the 2021-22 school year include third grade students at Carey, OLC, St. Peter and Mohawk as well as eighth grade at Carey and OLC.

It was reported family planning clinics are no longer held at Wyandot County Public Health due to a decrease in clients served. Administrator Barb Mewhorter said a $30,000 grant was available, but the department didn’t apply for it due to costs of the program being significantly more than what the grant covered. Clients from the family planning clinics are instead referred to Wyandot Memorial Hospital. 

“It’s a great program,” Hutchins said. “I’m analyzing it. I want to find the inefficiencies and bring it back if possible.”

Ritchey reported the Ohio Department of Health performed a water system survey in Wyandot County and Wyandot County scored a 99% compliance rating. Based on the results, the department will remain on the approved health district list for the private water system program.

“Due to the number of forms required for this program, it tends to be a paperwork nightmare,” Ritchey said. “Danielle (Schalk) deserves the most credit for us doing well.”

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Health Educator Callan Pugh reported community events held in January and February were successful and have seen increased attendance. The community is able to attend the events either virtually or in-person. The next event is a science of sleep program March 9 at the Upper Sandusky Community Library. 

Upcoming outreach through the Ohio Traffic Safety Grant includes a St. Patrick’s Day release in March. A think fast interactive traffic safety game show will take place at Upper Sandusky and Carey high schools and the health department will participate in the Docudrama this year at the Wyandot County Fairgrounds. 

There were 11 referrals to WIC in January and 22 new participants for February, according to WIC Director Arlene Schriner. 

Hutchins reported the health department received an extension on its accreditation committee action report to May 15 and four items remain to be completed. 

Upcoming employee changes included Mewhorter, who’s last day of work is March 31. Her formal retirement date is June 1. Schriner also gave the board a tentative retirement date of June 1. The health department plans to review the WIC director requirements and post the position as soon as it receives a former letter from Schriner. 

Upcoming audits for the department include the annual state audit March 28 through April 1 and the Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 audit for five grants due Feb. 28. Hutchins said Mewhorter has been a godsend and is handling all the information for the audits.

The board unanimously approved a resolution to apply for a tobacco prevention grant, a resolution to update the chain of command and administrative and fiscal management. 

According to the resolution, the chain of command for daily operations and personnel issues, environmental health operations and emergencies, communicable disease and nursing emergencies and fiscal operations and emergencies begins with the health commissioner, then the deputy health commissioner, the director of environmental health, the director of nursing and the WIC director. 

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Wyandot County Commissioners shared a proclamation making Feb. 16, 2022, Jeff Ritchey Appreciation Day in honor of his contributions to the county during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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